Monday, 31 March 2014

I'm not going to list facts and bore you with all the dramatic circumstances of Maupassant's life, you can google it yourself, if you're interested ( ;)

Instead, I would like to quote Friedrich Nietzsche, who wrote in his autobiography:

"I cannot at all conceive in which century of history one could haul together such inquisitive and at the same time delicate psychologists as one can in contemporary Paris: I can name as a sample – for their number is by no means small, ... or to pick out one of the stronger race, a genuine Latin to whom I am particularly attached, Guy de Maupassant."

But before revealing the secret, let's talk about a 'Creator' or just a writer (as we usually call them). The first time I got aquainted with Maupassant was last summer when I spent my sleepless nights with his "Dear Friend" :) I guess the impression produced by this book greatly influenced my today's choice in favour of Maupassant. Highly sophisticated, subtle, ironic, contradictory, challenging and can't-find-more-words-to-describe, he can't be omitted.

Finally, I've decided on "A Dead Woman's Secret" by Guy de Maupassant. The title is higly intriguing. Can't wait to reveal the secret! 

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Let's get it started! Hope it will be as much enjoyable and rewarding as reading itself :)